Game Environment
About Registration
All teams who wish to qualify need to register before the deadline (
The E-Mail should contain the following information:
Please make sure that your Binary can run currently under a clean fedora 16 x86_64 operate system. If your team register successed, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from the TC. Affiliation is the team's organization, institute or university. Dependencies should include all dependencies of your team binaries from the standard repositories (we will set these up before hands, so every team binary should be executable at the tournament). Under Base-Team each team using another team as base for their agents, has to specify this team. Please note that you have to provide correct and full information and giving false or incomplete statement will be penalized with banning of the team and its members. Please be aware that with respect to gentlemanly play, we will NOT allow any team name changes from the registration to the competition in RoboCup China Open 2012.